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Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

Character: Princess Aurora

Animation: Sleeping Beauty (movie)

Premiered: Nappa-con (Jul 2012)​​

Re-worn: Momo-con (Mar 2013); Seishun-con (Jun 2013)

I made this whole costume myself, and I have to say it was a pain to make.. I don't think I ever want to make a dress again! I made her crown and necklace first out of craft foam and then later remade it out of styrene.

We had a princess group at Nappa-con and the princesses and other Disney characters were Janis as Ariel, Lindsey as Belle, Rae as Snow White, Karsten as Kim Possible, Emily as Kuzco, and Lauren as Merida.​


I made a thingie: Gif :3


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