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Name: Akemi Yukimura
Birth date: March 19

Location: North Alabama, USA
Favorite Color: Indigo

Favorite anime: Fairy Tail

Favorite Game: Okami, Bioshock Infinite

It looks like you have stumbled upon my cosplay website! My name is Akemi Yukimura if you can't already tell that! I have been cosplaying for 2 years as of February 2013. My first cosplay I ever made myself was Babydoll from Sucker Punch in August of 2011. I now make about half of my cosplays and commission/buy the rest. I think of cosplay as a fun hobby but also an artistic outlet for myself. I am not one to judge other people's cosplays since everyone has different reasons for cosplaying. My life would be very boring without cosplay! I've made some of my best friends through cosplay, and I also have become more confident in myself through cosplay! If your a fan or friend of mine, thank you soo much! I couldn't do it without ya'll!

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